CD Peacock Magazine Autumn_Holiday 2022

THE SPERTUS INSTITUTE Along Chicago’s iconic Michigan Avenue streetwall of Grant Park is perhaps one of the world’s most intriguing buildings. The Spertus Institute stands out from all the rest — an elaborate diamond in the rough, if you will. Designed by Krueck and Sexton Architects, the Spertus Institute is a multi- faceted Jewish education and training center that rises 10-stories high and juts out over the city sidewalks, making itself seen and known by all. Much the same can be said for the fine luxury diamond jewelry from Henri Daussi. Learning how to place different facets onto a rough diamond, turning it into a beautiful, brilliant gem, and ultimately designing and creating a one-of-a-kind jewel is Mr. Henri Daussi Loots’ specialty. Over the years, Henri has perfected the techniques taught to him by his father and grandfather, learning how to cut facets into a diamond rather than just onto the diamond. Henri always trusted and believed that cutting and placing facets into a diamond was possible and made it his purpose. This level of craftsmanship has opened the doors to many potential new diamond shapes and cuts — he was the first to cut a heart-shaped diamond. Much like the Spertus Institute, each of Henri Daussi’s diamonds is unique from nearly every angle — true works of art that catch the light just right and make admirers stop and stare.

Henri Daussi Diamond Rings starting at $880


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