Fredric H. Rubel Digital Magazine 2020

Charlotte Hire Date: 6-1-20 “little boss”

Gary Hire Date: 6-1-82 When not at work is most likely found on the golf course.

Dave Hire Date: 10-1-81 Enjoys traveling and hiking in the Laguna Canyon with his wife.

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Elsa Hire Date: 11-1-68

Marilynn Hire Date: 01-28-16 Favorite Gemstone: Padparadscha Sapphire.

Olga Hire Date: 10-27-11

Has had the pleasure and privilege of working with four generations of the Rubel Family.

Has two twin boys with their mother’s beautiful sparkling blue eyes.

38 ] F R E D R I C H . R U B E L M A G A Z I N E

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