b y C A R O L B E S L E R
to give back
H E L P S A R T I S T S S H A R E T H E I R C R E A T I V E L E G A C I E S ROLEX MENTOR AND PROTÉGÉ ARTS INITIATIVE M Many people, including collectors and aficionados, consider a Rolex watch to be a work of art, but what may be less known is that when you buy a Rolex, you are also making a contribution to global culture. Rolex founded the Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative in 2002, and since then has paired 54 of the world’s greatest artists with younger artists of exceptional promise and talent from around the globe. The purpose of the initiative is to ensure the world’s artistic heritage is passed on by pairing young artists with established artistic masters and funding them for two years of one-to-one collaboration. At the heart of the process is an exchange of talent, much like the transmission of traditional watchmaking skills from master to apprentice. Rolex has paired artists in dance, film, literature, music, theatre, visual arts and architecture. A system of grants and honorariums supports both mentors and protégés during each term of collaboration. The 2020/2021 pairs include:
Composer and actor Lin-Manuel Miranda will work with 28-year-old Argentinian director, screenwriter and cinematographer Agustina San Martin, who won a Special Mention Jury Prize for Best Short Film at the 72nd Cannes Festival for Monster God (2019).
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