designer spotlight
In Verona, Italy, love is everywhere. Popularly known as Romeo and Juliet’s city, Verona is the inspirational birthplace for Roberto Coin’s Love in Verona collection. In this new collection, the jewels continue the thread that connects Roberto Coin to historical and passionate cities throughout Italy. Now, you, too, can take your lover on another Italian city tour with each piece in the Verona collection. At the heart of every Robert Coin collection is a beautiful and intriguing Italian story. His designs have taken us across the Portofino’s Mediterranean villages, shown us the majestic beauty of Roman palaces, and walked us through the narrow alleyways of Venice. Now, Roberto Coin is continuing our journey to yet another lover’s paradise, found only in the city of Verona. Still, his inspirations don’t stop with his fascinations of the city; they also capture the heart and soul of a special woman’s club: The Juliet Club. Founded in 1930, this select group of women read and answer every love letter that arrives and is addressed to Shakespeare’s Juliet. Each note tells the story of love, heartbreak, or desire and is responded to with the utmost thought and consideration. Just like Roberto Coin, this group takes their calling seriously, dedicating their lives to spreading the love of the Italian city across the globe. These letters are then archived and cared for with love out of respect for each note’s author. Robert Coin captures this dedication to love perfectly in every facet of his newest designs. Each adornment in the Verona collection considers a woman’s elegance, inner beauty, and innermost desires and passions. Love in Verona strikes that perfect balance between classic and contemporary style, a testament to Roberto Coin’s thorough design process that has turned taste and experimentation into style and innovation, capturing the eye of jewelry lovers and admirers around the world.
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