R I C H T E R & P H I L L I P S J E W E L E R S M A G A Z I N E • A U T U M N / H O L I D A Y 2 0 2 1
Eric Fehr, Vice President, Owner Graduate Gemologist
Rick Fehr, President, Owner Graduate Gemologist
Dear Friends,
Welcome to our 2021 holiday issue of Richter & Phillips Jewelers Magazine . We pray that you and your loved ones have stayed healthy. This is a special year for us as we celebrate our 125th anniversary. One hundred and twenty five is a big number that is hard to comprehend, even for us. Since 1896, our company’s story has been one of transformation and evolution. It is hard to believe that we used to mail catalogues filled with pictures of silverware, gifts and other jewelry to customers around the country, and now we find ourselves assisting customers with diamonds, engagement rings, and watches, in one of the nicest showrooms in the Midwest, and virtually, via text, email, webchat, Zoom and FaceTime. As the times have changed, so have we — but with one common denominator. That is a commitment to excellence, in the quality of the products that we carry, in the dedication and talent of our staff, and in how we treat each and every customer we encounter. Each year, we look for opportunities to enhance your experience and to better serve you. Our on-site jeweler, watchmakers, and repair departments enable us to provide expert service in one place. We have also fully renovated the bank vault downstairs to offer a truly unique and remarkable customer experience. We continue to bring in new jewelry and watch lines and updates to our own designs to stay current in an ever-changing environment. Your exclusive look in the pages ahead, showcasing some of our finest jewelry and watch brands, will give you a glimpse into our artistry and imagination of decadent beauty.We are very proud and grateful for the opportunity to serve you, and we thank you for entrusting us as your favorite jeweler.
Cheers to another 125 years!
Wishing you all the best,
The Fehr Family
6 0 1 M A I N S T , C I N C I N N A T I , O H 4 5 2 0 2
5 1 3 . 2 4 1 . 3 5 1 0 • W W W . R I C H T E R P H I L L I P S . C O M
C O M P L I M E N T A R Y V A L I D A T E D P A R K I N G A T 6 1 6 M A I N S T .
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