MATT - CERTIFIED ROLEX WATCHMAKER Admires the architecture of Carew Tower Orders a 3-way, juicy, 2 cheese coneys, & Mountain Dew.
Loves the Cincinnati Zoo Orders 2 cheese coneys & a small 4-way.
Voted Cincinnati-style chili as the number one iconic Cincinnati food!
Orders Skyline’s Original Burrito.
DAVE - BENCH JEWELER Played Guitar in a rock & roll band at Green Hills High School Orders a 4-way with beans.
RICK - PRESIDENT St. Xavier High School, class of 1975 Go-to Frisch’s Order: Small Cheeseburger platter with coleslaw, Diet Coke and too often Pecan Pie with whipped cream.. Favorite Iconic Cincinnati Structure: Gwynne Building - I’m a bit sentimental having worked there almost 35 years. Cincinnati’s most underrated: Maybe a tie, both are highly rated but never can be rated highly enough: Cincinnati Children’s Hospital & the Cincinnati Zoo. Favorite Cincinnati Sports Team: Cincinnati Reds followed by St. X Bombers Swim and Football Teams. Always tell “out of towners” to: Visit the staples -OTR, Mt Adams, the Cincinnati Zoo and, of course, Richter & Phillips Jewelers.
ERIC - VICE PRESIDENT St. Xavier High School, class of 2002 Go-to Frisch’s Order: Big Boy or Grilled Cheese on Texas Toast with fries. Favorite Iconic Cincinnati Structure: The Taft Museum Cincinnati’s most underrated: I would say Lytle Park. It is a beautiful part of the city people don’t often think about. Favorite Cincinnati Sports Team: GO REDS! Always tell “out of towners” to: Dine at Jeff Ruby’s or Montgomery Inn Boathouse and definitely find a ton of fun in either OTR or The Banks.
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