Richter & Phillips Magazine 2021

For five bustling years, the vault sat idle, a jewel waiting to be polished. When the year 2020 rolled around and business was different, it was the perfect opportunity to add some cheer and make something remarkable. Through the next ten months the vault was drafted, primed, painted, furnished, and polished, and in June, it was finally complete. Shimmering with deco-detailing and cloaked in rich velvet jewel tones, this new hidden gem beneath the Queen City was simply coined, The Vault.

Today the space is open as a place to meet, mingle, and gather for non-profits, store events, and private shopping endeavors. “There is simply no other space quite like it downtown,” says Eric Fehr, vice president of Richter & Phillips. “It is a true celebration of Cincinnati’s history. Where else can you walk into an original vault in one of the longest-running businesses in our city? Here you can have a truly authentic experience spanning from 1896 to the present day.”

Learn More: It’s the Fehr family’s pleasure to have offered this space as a free place for non-profits and local organizations to creatively use. Since the space was launched, book clubs and wine clubs and board meetings and more have hosted a program behind The Vault door. So next time you’re downtown, please stop on by to view our renovated, historic event space, The Vault. We will be glad to show you around. To learn more about the space and see if it may be right for your next small club or board meeting, please visit:

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