history preserved
b y R E B E C C A S C H A E P E R
p h o t o s b y L A N C E A D K I N S
I n the year 2016, a jewelry shop sparkled on the corner of Sixth and Main in downtown Cincinnati. The shop was owned by a family named Fehr and happily offered the city diamonds and jewelry and timepiece repairs. The family knew that in order to best serve their customers, the shop must grow, and they didn’t have to look far for the next place they would go. The president, Rick, saw a chance across the way on Main — a historic building perfect for the shop; it just needed a little love — a bit of a pick-me-up.
Rick saw the possibilities from the moment his foot hit the ground in this spacious place in the heart of downtown. But the biggest surprise was finding a vintage case of marble stairs, and there at the bottom, the biggest treasure was discovered. The building had originally been a city bank built in the midst of the roaring 1920s. Made of steel and well-preserved, the vault was a marvel. That sealed the deal, and Richter & Phillips Jewelers made the leap to travel their treasures right across the street.
Vault The
48 ] R I C H T E R & P H I L L I P S J E W E L E R S M A G A Z I N E
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