modern magic
Looking for a way to stand out in the crowd? Take your favorite looks and tweak them into something unique. Instead of wearing a necklace with the traditional vertical setting, why not choose a necklace with an east-west orientation? From fancy-shaped diamonds to artful silhouettes, seek designs that offer something extra special, giving you a modern look.
Joshua J. Fine Jewelry, Cushion Cut Diamond Pendant Necklace on Diamonds by the Yard chain, call for pricing
Joshua J. Fine Jewelry, Dainty Emerald Cut Pendant on Diamonds by the Yard chain, call for pricing
SES Creations, Emerald Cut Diamond Band in white gold, call for pricing
Jewels by Jacob, Modern Wave Stackable Diamond Bangles, available in yellow, rose, and white gold, starting at $6,500
yellow diamonds
Diamonds with a rich, pure yellow color are the world’s most valuable yellow gemstone. Formed when a small amount of nitrogen is contained within the diamond’s crystal structure, a yellow diamond’s sparkle is a marvel. A stunning symbol of love and devotion, yellow dimaonds are a sought after, luxurious display of color.
Jewels by Jacob, Fancy Yellow Diamond Ring, call for pricing
Joshua J. Fine Jewelry, Pear-Shaped Drop Diamond Necklace featuring a fancy yellow pear-shaped diamond, call for pricing
SES Creations, Fancy Yellow Tiered Diamond Necklace on Diamonds by the Yard chain, call for pricing
Joshua J. Fine Jewelry, Fancy Yellow Pear-Shaped Diamond Chandelier Earrings, call for pricing
Jewels by Jacob, Modern Fancy Yellow Diamond Ring, $6,600
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