A DE S IGNE R ’ S PERSPECT I VE Steven Lagos D i scus ses the Evo l ut i on of Cav iar
My des igns have always been in- spi red by the strong, smar t women who wear LAGOS. I l ike to explore different mater ials and offer options so that every woman can f ind something she loves. I began my career as a goldsmith and became a mas - ter jeweler, work ing with gold exclusively. Later, I star ted mi x- ing gold and si lver to of fer ver sat i le, two- tone col lections that our customer s have real ly embraced. This fal l, my focus on gold continues as the com- mon thread running through al l my designs. It’s an invitation to wear your gold, your way. Our customers have made it clear that they wanted to see more designs in rose gold. New this sea- son, LAGOS has incorporated 18K rose gold across our col lections. Woven into bracelets, necklaces, r ings, and into our best-sel l ing Smar t Caviar* bracelet, it is a new expression of two-tone that pai rs
beautiful ly with our Caviar col lections.
I’m always looking for ways to innovate our iconic Caviar beading and br ing beautiful and functional designs to our cus- tomers. I developed Smar t Caviar, the fi rst f ine jewel ry bracelet designed for the
Apple Watch ® , to en- hance the look of the casual timepiece for women who don’t want to sacr if ice per- sonal style to stay con- nected. Distinct, luxe bracelets handcrafted in stainless steel, 18K gold, smooth ceramic, ster l ing si lver, and dia- monds provide options to dress up your watch and create your own unique look.
From the inclusion of rose gold to our expanded Smar t Cav- iar offer ings and throughout many col - lections, we remain true to the timeless sophistication of LAGOS.
My gold, my way. My LAGOS, my way.
R I C H T E R & P H I L L I P S J E W E L E R S M A G A Z I N E [ 21
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