Richter & Phillips Magazine 2021

time zone

Glashütte is a small town nestled between the forests and hills of southeast Germany, halfway between Berlin and Prague.This is where NOMOS Glashütte, one of the few owner-operated watchmaking companies in the world, creates the finest mechanical timepieces. NOMOS watchmakers count among the very best in their field — what they have mastered is still a challenge for their colleagues elsewhere.That is because watches have been crafted in Glashütte for many generations — for over 175 years, to be precise. The timepieces are made with many unique characteristics and always of the very best quality. These are watches that transport a love of handcraft and tradition within them, and are yet always contemporary — these are watches for life. Exemplifying the brand and its rich heritage are the models Tangente, Ludwig, Orion, and Tetra, representations of the elegant and classic design with NOMOS craftsmanship ticking away inside. In-house movements such as the Alpha — a highly acclaimed classic — and the innovative DUW6101 with its patented quick-set date mechanism, are both modern and typically Glashütte. Features such as the three-quarter plate, sunburst polishing, and tempered blue screws are reminders of times gone by and markers of watchmaking heritage. The designers from NOMOS’ in-house creative agency in Berlin construct their superb form, drawing from the tradition of Deutscher Werkbund, Bauhaus, and the Ulm School of Design. Such styles are essential to the form of a NOMOS timepiece and are still more modern than ever before. It is in Berlin that the designs are brought together with the watchmaking skill and innovative technology from Glashütte. Showcasing this is the Tangente neomatik 41 Update, with its clean form and innovative and patented date with the highly precise in-house manufactured self-winding movement, DUW6101. The round watch with the many right angles represents NOMOS Glashütte like no other.

Tangente neomatik 41 Update – Slender despite its date function and automatic movement: The new neomatik date caliber DUW 6101 keeps Tangente in shape.

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