Meierotto Annual Publication 2022_2023

One of those memories was experiencing Peter Pan at the beautiful Starlight Theatre, with her youngest grandchild, 3 year-old Thomas. Carol noticed he was completely mesmerized by the orchestra and performance. She recalled how he stood in the same spot the entire night, even during intermission, holding onto the orchestra railing. His eyes lit up with excitement from the show. He was completely spellbound. Carol was so pleased, years later, on his 10th birthday, she asked him what gift he would like. When he replied that he wanted theater tickets, she was truly touched that the performance of Peter Pan and so many others had made such an impression. “That is the magic of the performing arts,” she exclaimed. Carol and Dennis have been taking their grandchildren to live performances ever since. Carol has enjoyed treating her family to shows, plays and musicals over the years, nurturing their love for the theater. She even added important life lessons to the outings. By teaching the value of choosing the appropriate outfit, learning how to behave in public, and exercising communication skills. Her children and grandchildren received an education beyond the experience of an outing. She felt it crucial to learn the importance of using “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me.” She believes that it teaches children maturity and respect. Besides, focusing on character development and the scenery of the play or show, she taught how vital it was to be able to glean the true message or

plot. Having the ability to exchange those thoughts with others about the message of the performance is an essential part of the experience. When not enjoying plays, Carol cherishes the times she is able to be at the counter at Meierotto Jewelers, getting to know her customers. She has built many friendships over the years, and often invites customers to share her passion for the theater. “Sometimes you just know this person is someone you would have a good time with outside the jewelry store,” she smiles. She loves the post-show conversations. “A play really lifts your spirits to another level,” she says. “No matter what the show is, there is always a way to relate to it, and feel many different emotions.” Carol often buys multiple tickets to various venues. She can never attend all of the events herself, however she feels it’s a great way to share her favorite venues and shows with friends, customers, and guests from out of town. She loves to support the local community and share what is so special about Kansas City with visitors and to ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy great performances as well.” “The theatre is a place where I can go and forget everything happening in the world,” she says. “It always leaves me with a satisfied feeling.” She hopes that everyone who has the chance to experience the theatre feels the same way… before the curtain closes.

photo courtesy of New Theatre



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