Polacheck's Holiday 2021 Magazine

Sometimes, special moments call for classic and graceful adornments, L Ū VENTE 14K white diamond heart necklac- es dangle perfectly from the neckline. Yet, big- ger moments in life call for more. Nothing fits a marriage or milestone anniversary quite like a 14K white gold necklace featuring 3.38 cts of bril- liant round diamonds.

Of the many new collec- tions making their debut, none are more spectacular or timeless than the butter- fly jewelry pieces. Perfect for both casual or formal oc- casions and moments, but- terfly jewelry is delicate, yet playful. The butterfly man- ifests transformations and symbolizes new beginnings. So, what better way to com- memorate a new promo- tion or change in life than with L Ū VENTE whimsical butterfly?

Jewelry in floral forms can be considered a classic, but this season it’s trendier than ever.While the design itself is cute and flirty, these pieces add character and charm to your jewelry collection. Large floral rings showcasing colorful enamel or gemstones are also blooming this season, catching the eye of every young collector looking to seize the moment with L Ū VENTE.

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