Polacheck's Holiday 2021 Magazine

travel destinations

b y J A N E T M Y E R S


Everyone should visit Sicily at some point. From its rich history and dazzling landscapes, to its volcanic excitement and glorious food, it offers much, as Giovanni promised...and the trip to Stromboli to see the lava eruptions was just one of its highlights. The best times to visit are April to June or September to October. We unlocked just a few of its treasures, but you will find many more, and although the mafia might still be alive and kicking, they won’t get in the way of your enjoyment!

TOUCH DOWN As we neared Taormina, with its breath-taking coastal scenery, our eyes glanced to the mountains. Mount Etna was easy to spot, but nearer to us, houses clung like limpets to other lofty pinnacles. Fancy living up there, we mused. The satellite navigation directed us away from the coast and onward to our first location. We knew Castelmola was set above the town, but we did not expect the narrow twisting road to finally arrive at that group of houses set high on that mountain top. The views from here were astonishing. From the apartment balcony, Mount Etna peeped between the houses opposite, and as we dined outside at a local restaurant later that evening, Taormina twinkled far below us in a clear night sky. We seemed so high that I doubt whether it would have appeared any different had we still been airborne!

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