Polacheck's Holiday 2021 Magazine

P O L A C H E C K ’ S J E W E L E R S M A G A Z I N E • A U T U M N / H O L I D A Y 2 0 2 1

Photography by April Belle Photos

Centennial Anniversary As we look back on the past year, our most reflective journey has been the hope to come out of the Pandemic empowered to celebrate life; we all truly know how precious it can be. This year, we celebrate Polacheck’s Jewelers 100th Anniversary. Polacheck’s first laid down its roots in 1921 and has been passed on for four generations of cultures, traditions, heritage, and history. We’ve built on the success of the 3 generations before us, who have paved the way of true craftsmanship and harmoniously bringing together tradition and innovation. Reflecting back on the history of our family, is like traveling back in time when everything was new and fascinating. This monumental milestone is truly one to be celebrated. Amidst the challenges each generation experienced, including this unprecedented past year, we have found tremendous light in all we have accomplished as a community and as a team at Polacheck’s. It gave us time to connect with each other, spend more quality time together and to appreciate all those moments. It was quite a year--one we will never forget. A century later, the significance of generation is synonymous with the luxury services and products at Polacheck’s. Our elegant jewelry and timepieces can be passed on from generation to generation; each has its own story. All these stories inevitably play a role in the people we become. We are all a part of history. We are living in the midst of the stories that will be written in the books of tomorrow.

As we celebrate the lives of those who came before us and examine our own, we look forward, with the confidence and hope that we are making the world a better place for those who will come after us.

In the spirit of celebrating life, we dedicate this magazine to all of you, for your continued support and love for 100 incredible years.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Brent and Stephen Polacheck


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