changing lives
A cataract is when the natural lens inside the eye becomes discolored and clouded, resulting in hazy or blurred vision at all distances. Surgery is the only way a cataract can be removed. More than three million cataract procedures are performed each year, making it the most common surgery performed in the United States.
Optimized Distance Vision
As medical technology advances, so can your eyesight! Cataract surgery involves removing the cloudy lens in your eye and replacing it with a clear artificial lens implant. Blue Sky Vision surgeons now offer multiple options for artificial lens implants, as depicted in these photos. Dr. Lee Webster of Shoreline Vision says, “With today’s custom cataract solutions, our goal is to help you regain the clear vision you deserve.” Lifestyle Lens Implants optimize near and/or distance vision and can correct astigmatism. Lifestyle lens implants can also reduce your dependency on glasses or bifocals after surgery.
Goals: Correct distance vision Correct astigmatism Remove cataract to improve vision
What to Expect: Good distance vision May need glasses for arms-length vision Will need glasses for near vision Personalized intraocular lens
Optimized Near Vision
Optimized Near and Distance Vision
Goals: Correct near vision Correct astigmatism Remove cataract to improve vision
What to Expect: Good near vision May need glasses for arms-length vision Will need glasses for distance vision Personalized intraocular lens
Goal: Correct distance AND near vision Correct astigmatism Remove cataract to improve vision
What to Expect: Good distance AND near vision Most daily activities will not need glasses or contacts May need glasses for fine print or reading in low light Personalized MULTIFOCAL intraocular lens
Shoreline Vision 231.674.1138 • Grand Rapids Ophthalmology 616.274.0096
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