Korman Magazine 2022_2023


Our partner, Grandview Klein Diamonds, began its partnership as one of the first with the NDTC in 2007. It is here that each diamond transforms from what looks like a pebble, into a perfectly cut stone. They begin by testing the fluorescence before putting the diamond into a machine known as The Galaxy. It maps the stone completely, identifying any naturals or points that may be an issue during cutting. They analyze the stone to maximize its weight and brilliance before precisely cutting the diamond. For every 100 cts of rough, about 40-50cts are yielded in gem-quality stones. After cutting, the diamond is polished and tested for all of the characteristics intended. In speaking with Gil Israel, the head of Africa operations for Grandview Klein, he has very high expectations for his team. “Why settle for good, when you can be great,” he stated. With access to the best rough diamonds in the world, he insists they create the most beautiful stones. We agree!


There is nothing more fulfilling than celebrating with our clients. Whether it’s a diamond band to celebrate a special milestone, or a pair of diamond studs to simply celebrate everyday, Korman is honored to help make each of those moments special, and to design the perfect home for the stone to live on your finger for years to come.




Finally, the diamonds are ready to sparkle! At Korman, we’re proud to partner with Grandview Klein to provide our clients with the highest quality diamonds in a variety of colors, cuts, and sizes. With Grandview Klein, Korman can make any diamond dream come true. Let us help you find the perfect diamond for you. KORMAN


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